BEEP....BEEP....BEEP....yep the annoying sound of the alarm clock goes you hit the snooze button, turn back over and get a few extra minutes of sleep or do you get out of bed to start your day?
When we have to set our alarm, Ronnie and I are total opposites! I am a get outta bed kinda gal; whereas Ronnie will hit the snooze button a few times.
Whether you are a morning person or a night owl, how you spend the first hour of your day will set the tone for the rest of your day. When your eyes open first thing, you have a choice of how productive you will be.
Why is a morning routine important? It helps to stay focused on tasks while giving you structure and purpose. Our days are full of one thing after another...running errands, work, chauffeuring kids to activities and so on. If we aren’t intentional on how we start our day, then our schedule will take over.
After getting up: feeding the fur babies and feathered friends (ducks) my morning routine starts with coffee and Jesus. I open my Bible, read a chapter, pray and meditate on HIS word. Then I look at what I need to do for Inspirations for the Soul with Amy, paint, write a blog; etc. I definitely take time to love on my fur babies while Ronnie is working on photography and I also get outside to move my body and get some physical exercise. Night time is dedicated to relaxing on the couch and enjoying more family time before bed.
But the one thing that is a non-negotiable to my day is my time with Jesus. Starting my day in the word makes my day run smoothly and keeps me on track. Some days are harder than others, but making this a priority and having a morning routine sets me up for a successful day!
If things don’t go the way you’s ok...tomorrow is a new day!
❤️ Amy