Why does it seem that our days off are on fast forward? It seems the older we get, the faster it goes!
When I look back on different seasons of life through challenges and growth…I ask myself what have you learned through it all?
Here are 8 things that I have learned and put into practice!
1. Put God First….start your day with Jesus! Putting him first will help you block the negativity the enemy throws your way.
2. Be Kind…you never know what someone is going through.
3. Smile…someone needs to see your pearly whites. A smile brings comfort and encouragement!
4. Don’t Compare Yourself to Others…not everyone's journey will be the same. Don’t waste your energy!
5. Set Boundaries…protect yourself from toxicity and negativity!
6. Take Care of Your Mind & Body… God made you special and with a purpose!
7. Give yourself grace… we are all a work in progress!
8. Don’t Give Up…there is someone that values you and counts on you!
Challenges help us to mature and grow. Use all toxic thoughts as a motivator to push you through any limiting beliefs!
Life is short…so make the most of it while you are here!
When you feel like you are drowning in life….remember your lifeguard walks on water!
You are Enough!
Dec 13, 2023, 9:46:17 AM
Frances K. Brown - Great ideas!!!!