We love because He first loved us. 1 John 4:19
What is the one thing that everyone wants in life?
You’ve got it….LOVE!
There are many types of love, but the 4 main types are EROS- a passionate love, PHILIA- a friendship love, STORGE- a parental love and AGAPE-the love God has for mankind.
So many questions go through our minds daily. Why is it so hard to love myself? Why do I not forgive myself and show grace? Why can’t I get that fairytale story?
Learning to love ourselves & others through the same forgiveness and grace God gives us will enlighten our path. Giving up control and trusting God through the process will help you turn your life into an exhilarating and light hearted journey.
Ever since junior high, I prayed for a godly, loving and funny man that would cherish and adore me. Stepping out of the way and allowing God to write my story was the best thing I could do. My prayers were answered when Ronnie came into my life. I experienced the love that was only in fairytales. I’m here to tell you that God has a special purpose for your life- whether that is being single, married, having children, adopting or no children. God's plan is sometimes different than what we think, but trust Him- He knows what is best!
Ronnie and I have been married almost 12 years and I can’t imagine my life without him. He is my best friend and soulmate.
I thought it would be fun to ask friends that are married and passengers on my flights what is their best marriage advice. I polled married couples from 2 to 55.5 years.
- Keep God first in your marriage, put your spouse second and yourself last.
- Stick it out. Times could get hard; never give up.
- Listen, be patient and always compromise.
- Pick your battles.
- Marry your best friend.
- Laughter is the best medicine.
- Don’t be afraid to communicate. Communication is key.
- Love unconditionally and respect each other.
- Never talk bad about your spouse to anyone. Always lift them up.
- Constantly date your mate. Make time for each other.
- When in doubt, hire a professional.
- Fight naked!
You are deserving of the best God has for you! Don’t give up…don’t settle…I promise, the wait is worth it!
God Bless,
Amy Siemssen
Inspirations For The Soul
Bubby’s Friends Foundation
Mar 3, 2022, 7:11:03 AM
Jenny - You and Ronnie are such an inspiration. Love is a beautiful thing, isn't it? Love you bunches, Jen.