Looking out the airplane window at the beautiful sunrise and fluffy clouds I can’t help but think about life and the things that happen on a daily basis. The trials are challenging, yet I am thankful. The lessons are frustrating, yet I choose joy. The battlefield of the mind is real!
Take a second and look at your feet and pay particular attention to your toes. Did you know your toes and core are essential with balance and keeping you upright? Your big toe is crucial and the most important; it bears 40% of your weight. If you are missing your big toe then your balance can be thrown off. You need a strong core to stabilize your body to allow movement in any direction as well as having proper balance. It helps prevent falls and supports your body. So having a strong core is beneficial to everyone because it allows your body to function properly.
We need many forms of balance in our lives. Have you ever thought about emotional balance in your life? We are pulled in so many different directions. Between home, work, kids, school, activities, doctor appointments and taking care of elderly parents we need balance!
How do I create balance in my life?
- Daily quiet time with Jesus; reading his word, praying and journaling. This is nonnegotiable.
- Make lists when I need to be productive and prioritize tasks. Organization is essential!
- Date nights with the hubby.
- Get outside and enjoy the sunshine.
- Visit family.
- Set boundaries and get rid of anything toxic.
- Nap when I need to.
- Get massages.
- Tap into my creative side with painting or making fun t-shirts.
- And finally….EAT THAT PIZZA or GET THAT BOWL OF ICE CREAM…..in moderation of course!
Balance is a lifelong journey that will require consistency and effort. Be mindful! Stay focused! You’ve got this! If you are struggling and need to talk, book a zoom call with me through my website and let’s work on you! God Bless!
God Bless,
Amy Siemssen
Inspirations For The Soul
Bubby’s Friends Foundation
Ronnie Vincent Photography, LLC.