Happy July friends! Summer is in full swing!
First off, I have to apologize for not writing a blog for the last several months. Life has been busy and I was burned out on a lot of things. I decided to set some boundaries and writing took a back seat.
As many people know geese are not the sweetest animals, in fact they are down right mean. I remember one summer being at my Grandad's house when a flock of geese chased me. I learned to love them from a distance.
One August day in 2022, my sweet friend Crystal contacted me asking if Ronnie & I would be interested in rescuing a goose that had once been someone's pet. Without hesitation we said YES, and with that Ronnie and I rescued Miss Maebelle to add to the Siemssen Sanctuary.
The flock welcomed Miss Maebelle with open wings and she began enjoying her new found life!
She started to venture out little by little each day. Watching Miss Maebelle build her confidence was so rewarding. In fact; she was getting way too comfortable with all of our neighbors, but everyone loved her and that funny honk she would make when talking.
Maebelle and I had an amazing connection. I would sing and talk to her while holding and loving on her. I never knew I could love a goose so much. The last time I held her I remember looking in her eyes and thanking God for allowing me to be Maebelle’s mama and friend. I felt as if God was looking straight at me through her saying “Amy, I love you more than anything. I am always here for you.”
That was the last time I held Miss Maebelle.
I have to say, I miss her every single day but I know she will be at the pearly gates waiting for me when I get there.
Maebelle was my balance during the 4 months we had her. God knew I would need her during those trying and busy times we were going through.
Like I always say, loving is hard…but it is so worth the joy, pain and risk!
Have a Blessed Day!
❤️ Amy