Why do things always have to be so challenging?
Why does it seem like when we get ahead something happens and we are worse off than before?
I know sometimes we question God and don’t understand things. Remember; he had a certain purpose and plan for you before you were conceived. Do you ever think about that and how valuable you are?
Fast paced…demanding….entitled….yep that’s the current state of this world.
I know we have talked about this before, but it is something that is always on my mind….timing and patience!
What are some strategies to keep us calm in the pit of despair?
1. Accepting setbacks that happen and are out of our control.
2. Focus on the present moment. Don’t dwell on past failures, mistakes or worrying about future outcomes.
3. Adapt to different plans and/or expectations in every situation. What we think might not always be the right thing.
4. Take a mature look at the situation; learn from the experience and improvement for the future. Of course this is almost impossible when you are going through a rough patch!
5. Most importantly, WAIT for God's timing. He could be protecting you from something you don’t know about. God’s timing and our timing don’t always match up, but he knows what is best; so trust HIS process. Surround yourself with people that continually lift you up and guide you in the right direction.
A Few of my Favorite People and Things!
Do you have a happy place?
Where do you go to take a break, relax and have you time?
This is in our backyard and one of my happy places. Ronnie and I are blessed to be able to have 43 ducks, fish, turtles and unfortunately snakes that roam this lake. We also help rehab injured ducks and set them free. One of the most rewarding things is helping an animal in need and watching the miracle of healing right before your eyes!
Pictures of our Quack Shack and ducks will be featured in another blog!
Your feelings are valid and it is ok to be frustrated. Just don’t let situations consume you and let life overwhelm you. It is going to happen…just a matter of when.
Learning how to channel your feelings and emotions is a win win!