August is here! That means…time to go shopping because it’s back to school kids!
Schedules will be hectic…as if they aren’t already…but juggling work and homework is always challenging.
This month; we are going to explore a topic that everyone has dealt with at some point in their life…bullying.
Bullying is prevalent in our society and comes in many forms…physical, emotional, verbal and social. It’s running rampant and has no limit on age.
First, it is important to understand why people bully others. The bully might be going through a lot in their life; abuse at home, jealousy, insecurities or a traumatic event. They want power and control over you and your feelings. Although, this is not an excuse to treat others in this manner. Bullying should never be accepted and can be a coping strategy the individual uses to address what they think the problem is.
How To Bulldoze The Bully:
- Stand up for yourself and address the bully!
- Report the bully to the proper person!
- Do not isolate yourself! Seek out the people that lift you up and give you that extra support and confidence you need.
- Keep your head up! Do not let the bully win or have the satisfaction of knowing they upset you.
- Finally, know that you are not the problem!
Life is too short to deal with this sort of behavior from someone else.
Fight for you, because you are worth it!
Just remember… you never know who you could be helping by reporting someone that is bullying.
Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him and he will make your path straight. -Proverbs 3:5-6