Motivation | Encouragement | Inspiration | Because You Are Enough!
Welcome Friends!
Hey y’all!
Welcome to Inspirations For The Soul with Amy!
Inspirations For The Soul was created with you in mind! If you are looking for a safe space of support, inspiration and encouragement; you have come to the right place. You might be struggling emotionally or just need a positive word to keep you going. There are many topics that will be, marriage, self care, meditation, health and much more. Click on the links at the top of the homepage to find out more!
I am here to challenge you to live a life of value and become your best self. You have one life to live and you are the one responsible for the change in your life. Thank you for trusting me on this journey of inspiration with you!
You are beautiful ... You are unique ... You are loved ... You are enough!
Love, Amy

“All authority in heaven and earth has been given to me. Therefore, go and make disciples of every nation. Baptize them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and teach them to affirm all I’ve commanded you —and I’ll be with you till the end of the age.”
MATTHEW 28:18-20
What people are saying about Amy and her work.
- - Aimee R.
When I first met Amy, I was going through the hardest time of my life. My family lost everything during Hurricane Harvey and shortly after I almost lost my Dad to a heart attack. Our family crisis lasted a good 3 years and if it weren’t for Amy, I would never have survived all the pain. Her selfless and giving nature truly helped me emotionally and spiritually. She helped me rediscover my Faith when things are at their worst and what it is to be a “good friend.” Through it all and after the short 3 years that we’ve been friends, she has made me a better person. She has taught me how to be more giving and compassionate to others. Amy is a Blessing and I’m so grateful to say Amy is one of my best friends now.
- - Susan H.
Amy has and is an encourager in my life! Through life’s heartaches and those happy and exciting moments, she has stood by my side. She listens with a compassionate heart...when I hurt, she hurts. Her gift is prayer. I am so thankful that God placed each other in our lives. I love you, Amy.
I love love love it, Amy!! It is beautiful and I am so proud of you. You have a calling and that is helping women and guys but gosh I am so blessed to be your Amiga. I love you so much!!!
- - Amy O.
Amy has always been so encouraging and supportive. I know I can trust her to keep my issues confidential, and will provide caring and comforting assistance. I'm very thankful for her.
- - Nunnie B.
Amy helps me to think about life’s journey. Her sincere heart and kindred spirit motivates me to love everyone as God loves us.
- - Andrea H.
Today more than ever I need to be reminded of not only my root identity and true worth, BUT how to maintain self care when there never seems to be enough hours in the day. I need direct, simple, cut to the core encouragement that lets me know I’m not alone. Inspirations For the Soul is encouraging, empowering, and helps me know I don’t walk this road alone. It invites me to live out of a posture of rest, only to become the best version of myself. It is true rest for the weary soul!
- - Richard M
I first met Amy in February of 2007. We were both young and eager students in flight attendant training. From the moment I met Amy she was all smiles and bubbly. A breath of fresh air for myself, our classmates and for others that were fortunate enough to make her acquaintance.
Since that time, I’ve had the pleasure of watching my dear friend grow and blossom into the beautiful woman she is today.
Amy has always had the ability to brighten my day and everyone else’s. From a kind smile or word of encouragement she always demonstrated her kindness and her Faith to anyone she encountered.
I’m excited to continue watching her life unfold & seeing her infectious kindness spread like wildfire.